Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Introduction to modelling #

Can a biologist fix a radio?—Or, what I learned while studying apoptosis
Lazebnik (2002) Cancer Cell

This insightful paper by Yuri Lazebnik discusses some very interesting points related to engineering vs. biology, and underlines the challenges associated with studying biological complexity.

From molecular to modular cell biology
Hartwell (1999) Nature

A nice essay on modularity in biology, and a systems perspective, from Leland Hartwell, who went on to win the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Modelling viral and immune system dynamics
Perelson (2002) Nature Reviews Immunology

An authoritative review on modelling the dynamics of viral infections e.g. HIV/HCV.

Numb3rs 1x03 - Vector (TV episode)

The protagonist in this show is a mathematician, who uses SIR modelling to help the FBI track down the spread of a virus in a city.

Ten simple rules for biologists learning to program
Carey and Papin (2018)

A nice guide for folks trying to delve into the world of programming!