Companion Website #
This is the companion website for the book, “An Introduction to Computational Systems Biology”, published by CRC Press. It contains additional material and information on the book.
Overview #
This book delivers a comprehensive and insightful account of applying mathematical modelling approaches to very large biological systems and networks—a fundamental aspect of computational systems biology. The book covers key modelling paradigms in detail, while at the same time retaining a simplicity that will appeal to those from less quantitative fields.
Key Features #
- A hands-on approach to modelling
- Covers a broad spectrum of modelling, from static networks to dynamic models and constraint-based models
- Thoughtful exercises to test and enable understanding of concepts
- State-of-the-art chapters on exciting new developments, like community modelling and biological circuit design
- Emphasis on coding and software tools for systems biology
The book is highly multi-disciplinary and will appeal to biologists, engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians and others.
Table of Contents #
- Introduction to modelling
- Introduction to graph theory
- Structure of networks
- Applications of network biology
- Introduction to dynamic modelling
- Parameter estimation
- Discrete dynamic models: Boolean networks
- Introduction to constraint-based modelling
- Extending constraint-based approaches
- Perturbations to metabolic networks
- Modelling cellular interactions
- Designing biological circuits
- Robustness and evolvability of biological systems
- Epilogue: The Road Ahead
Reviews #
This is a very comprehensive read that provides a solid base in computational biology. The book is structured in 4 parts and 14 chapters which cover all the way from the more basic concepts to advanced material, including the state-of-the-art methodologies in synthetic and systems biology. This is a bedside book for those researchers embarking to do investigation in computational biology and a great office companion for anyone working on systems and synthetic biology.
– Rodrigo Ledesma-Amaro, Lecturer, Imperial College London
This is a fantastic book. It offers an elegant introduction to both classical and modern concepts in computational biology. To the uninitiated, it is a terrific first read, bringing alive the glory of the past and the promise of the future. To the interested, it handholds and offers a springboard to dive deep. To the practitioner, it serves as a valuable resource bringing together in a panoramic view many diverse streams that adorn the landscape.
– Narendra M. Dixit, Professor, Indian Institute of Science
Cover Image #

A special word of thanks to the super-talented and extremely creative Gaurav Bilolikar for the attractive cover image. A very artistic rendering of cellular networks, making it very apt for this book’s cover.