Systems Biology



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 Systems Biology

Karthik Raman, Nagasuma Chandra,


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 A systems perspective of host--pathogen interactions: prediction of tuberculosis disease outcome

Karthik Raman, Ashwini Gurudas Bhat, Nagasuma Chandra,

Molecular BioSystems

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 Systems Biology of Tuberculosis: Insights for drug discovery

Karthik Raman, Nagasuma Chandra,

Understanding the Dynamics of Biological Systems: Lessons Learned from Integrative Systems Biology

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 Model Driven Drug Discovery: Principles and Practices

Karthik Raman, Yeturu Kalidas, Nagasuma Chandra,

Biological Database Modeling

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 Principles and Practices of Pathway Modelling

Karthik Raman, Preethi Rajagopalan, Nagasuma Chandra,

Current Bioinformatics
