DREAM Challenge


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Microbiome preterm birth DREAM challenge: Crowdsourcing machine learning approaches to advance preterm birth research

Jonathan L. Golob*, Tomiko T. Oskotsky*, ..., The Preterm Birth DREAM Community, ..., James C. Costello, Marina Sirota*,

Cell Reports Medicine

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Cell-to-cell and type-to-type heterogeneity of signaling networks: insights from the crowd

Attila Gabor†, Marco Tognetti†, Alice Driessen, Jovan Tanevski, Baosen Guo, Wencai Cao, He Shen, Thomas Yu, Verena Chung, Single Cell Signaling in Breast Cancer DREAM Consortium members, Bernd Bodenmiller*, Julio Saez-Rodriguez*,

Molecular Systems Biology

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Open Community Challenge Reveals Molecular Network Modules with Key Roles in Diseases

Sarvenaz Choobdar, \ldots, The DREAM Module Identification Challenge Consortium, \ldots, Sven Bergmann*, Daniel Marbach*,

Nature Methods
